Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Happy birthday to me....

Yesterday was my brithday, and I turned twelve. We went to the Huyck Preserve. It was really cool, and yes, I took lots of photos! Here are a few.


a rare plant called American Ginsing 

I do love old walls.....

but not as much as bridges!

My dad stole my camra for this one
Thanks for looking!
Little Owl (Or L.O.) Out!


Last week, we went camping to North South lake in the Catskills. It was super fun! Here are some photos I took:

A pretty view

Water fall!

this is a striped maple

getting artsy with the fire

North or south lake-I forgot!

there were a lot of these rock stacks!

jewelweed. It repels water, and turns a silver color in water!

I hope you like them!
Little Owl out!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The garden!

Today I went too the community garden, and took some pictures there. There are giant sun flowers there. Here are a few of the pictures I took there.
Dinosaur Kale With water on it- this was in our garden

this is a tomatillo 

There is that grasshopper again!

Little Owl out!